Jul 10

Article – “Back to Basics”

Keep Swinging
By Darlene Sommer, Director of Golf
Champion Hills Country Club
Back to Basics
No two golf swings are alike, like a person’s finger prints.  Swings can look similar but they still have differences based on a player’s muscle structure.  We often try to emulate a player we like but the results can be hard to achieve if we do not have a similar build to that player.  We can, however, work hard to make our basic set up or foundation the same as all good players.
The basic foundation is the first thing we learn yet it is what we need to correct all the time. All good players and professionals develop a great foundation as well as a consistent pre-shot routine.  This routine allows them to consistently set up the same before every swing.  If you have a consistent routine, you will find your swing to be more consistent. 
Working on developing the proper set up can be hard if you are not creating the proper muscle memory or developing and strengthening the muscles needed to be consistent.  The proper grip, posture and alignment are created by not only having good technique but by “performance repetition”.
In my learning center at Champion Hills, I have my students spend endless hours working on their basic fundamentals.  The proper set up can only be retained if the core golf muscles become strong enough to make it effortless to repeat over and over. 
Once you find the right set up, try holding your posture and alignment positions for 30 seconds, without moving. Repeat this exercise for three sets of 10 and then start again, but this time with your eyes closed.  You will be surprised how hard it is to hold your posture for 30 seconds. With your eyes closed you will become more aware of how your body needs to feel. If you are up for the challenge, try holding your positions for 60 seconds. 
This simple exercise will start to strengthen your core and back muscles.  The longer you hold your posture the more you will feel the burn.  Do these exercises three times a week and you will start to see results. Strengthening these muscles with help you maintain your spine angle and lead to more consistent ball striking.