Jul 10

EWGA – Chapter of Distinction

Rochester Chapter of EWGA Named Chapter of Distinction
The Rochester Region, NY Chapter has won the EWGA Chapter of Distinction Award for 2012!

This is the highest award an EWGA chapter can achieve and Rochester is the only chapter – out of 115 chapters – to achieve this award for 2012! Chapters are evaluated in several categories including membership, golf and education programs, events, and operations. This points-based award recognizes Chapters for providing a quality experience for their members.

Our Chapter of Distinction Award is the highest level a chapter can achieve; others are Chapter on Par, and Chapter of Merit.

Many thanks to the 2012 Board of Directors for leading us to this award: Debbie Harper, President; Brenda Pitts, VP/Leagues; Karen Lejman, Secretary; Sheree Usiatynski, Treasurer; Shari Morley, Golf Events; Kathy Strong, Social Events; Luanna Andrews, Membership; Wendy Bolton, Handicaps; Cheryl Nelan, Sponsorship; and Bonnie Wallace, Communications.
About EWGA: The EWGA Rochester Region Chapter offers opportunities for women to learn the game of golf, play the game of golf, and connect with other Rochester women golfers professionally and socially. Our chapter is active year round, offering golf events, outings, leagues, clinics, social events, 9-hole after work leagues, competitive events and more. It is a great way to network, both locally and nationally. EWGA nationally has close to 14,000 members and 115 US chapters. From the local Chapter level to planned events that bring together women throughout the organization, members have the opportunity to meet and connect with thousands who share the common bond of golf.