Jul 10

Article – “How Do We Learn?”

Keep Swinging
By Darlene Sommer, Director of Golf
Champion Hills Country Club
How do we learn?
As a golf instructor, one of the first things I try to determine with a new student is their learning style.  Every person I work with learns to understand the golf swing through their own dominant method.  A student will fall into one of three categories: auditory, kinesthetic or visual. 
Auditory learners are usually good listeners and key on certain words. The verbal descriptions offered will help their image of how the golf swing is supposed to be done. Once the pre-swing fundamentals become habit, the motion functions are learned through rhythm, timing, and balance.  The use of music can be very valuable for both play and instruction.
Kinesthetic learners must “feel” how the swing is supposed to work.  Seeing demonstrations or video, or being told how it works is virtually useless until they can put themselves into the positions and understand the proper move by “feeling” it.
Visual learners, on the other hand, relate best to instruction which allows them to “see” how it should be done.  Demonstration and viewing of still or video pictures is absolutely the best way for them to learn. 
It is important for me to identify which way a person learns best so I can determine the best possible way to teach them.  If I were to teach an auditory learner by demonstrating shots for them, I would not be as effective as with a visual learner.  A kinesthetic learner will not develop quickly if I try to give them verbal references, but put them into each and every position of the golf swing, and their comprehension level increases tenfold. 
I am excited to bring the 3-D K-Vest to my students because it teaches students in all three learning styles. The auditory and visual feedback along with the physical training help the students hear, see and feel the positions of the golf swing. A player can fast track their learning process.
 If you are able to determine which way you learn best, you will save yourself time by focusing on effective practice.  Discover what type of learner you are and concentrate on drills that will benefit your learningstyle.