Mar 29

Post a 2019 RDGA GHIN Score

So – you’ve played a round at an RDGA Member golf course. What next?
The 2019 Rochester District Golf Association score posting season officially opened on April 15. It is important to note that any scores made in the Rochester area between now and October 31, 2019 MUST be posted for handicap purposes.
There are three ways to officially post your score and have it added to your USGA GHIN Handicap Index:
  • Using the computer terminal kiosk at your home club,
  • Using the official USGA-RDGA GHIN app for your mobile device, (CLICK HERE to learn how)
  • Using a desktop Windows or Apple OS computer (click on the link below).
Once you’ve posted your score, your GHIN Handicap will automatically update every two weeks, on the 1st and 15th of each month, reflecting any new scores that you post within the most recent posting period. If you are not receiving your GHIN Handicap eRevision by email on those dates, CLICK HERE.
CLICK HERE to post your score directly on the GHIN website.