Nov 12

World Handicap System 2020


The World Handicap System™ (WHS™) aims to bring six different handicap systems together into a single set of Rules for Handicapping, enabling golfers of different abilities to play and compete on a fair and equal basis, no matter how or where they play.

While the six existing handicap systems have generally worked very well locally, on a global basis, their different characteristics have sometimes resulted in inconsistency, with players of the same ability ending up with slightly different Handicap Indexes®. This has sometimes resulted in unnecessary difficulties and challenges for golfers competing in handicap events or for tournament administrators. A single WHS will pave the way to consistency and portability.

The Rochester District Golf Association has assembled several informative instructional tools, videos, articles and infographics for you to review – all of which will help you prepare for what’s ahead when the World Handicap System officially launches worldwide on January 1, 2020!

Click on the images and links below for more:

Infographics Key Changes Videos
WHS Highlights Infographic WEBSITE LINK scorecards with hand WEBSITE LINK WHS Video Image WEBSITE LINK


World Handicap System: A Benefit to Golfers Everywhere

World Handicap System: Frequently Asked Questions

World Handicap System: A Collaborative Process

Why a World Handicap System?