The highest priority for the Rochester District Golf Association (RDGA) is the health, safety and well-being of all players, spectators, RDGA staff, RDGA volunteers, as well as everyone at our host facilities that generously offer their golf course for our events. The intent of the following policies and procedures is to minimize potential exposure to COVID-19 by utilizing publicly available guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), but the RDGA cannot guarantee a risk-free environment.
It is everyone’s responsibility to follow these guidelines and do your part to help make our events as safe as possible. We thank you in advance for familiarizing yourself and following all policies and procedures the RDGA has implemented. Until further notice, the following policies and procedures will be in effect:
- We will be in regular contact with host facilities prior to and throughout each competition to discuss sanitizing practices for common touchpoints such as carts, practice balls, bathrooms, etc. While we aim to be consistent across the entire schedule with policies and procedures, there may be certain instances where a host club’s policies take precedence. Any modifications will be communicated to players through the event portal, e-mail and/or text message.
- Before arriving on-site, please be certain that you have signed and returned the RDGA’s COVID-19 Participant Release and Waiver that was sent to you electronically prior to the competition. If you have not signed the waiver in advance, you will not be permitted to participate in the competition.
- Before arriving on-site for a competition, if you feel sick or show any symptoms of COVID-19, or if within the last fourteen (14) days you have felt sick, shown any symptoms of COVID-19, been diagnosed with COVID-19 or been in close contact with anyone diagnosed with COVID-19, we request that you stay home and notify us before your starting time. Note: This year we are providing full refunds of entry fees regardless of reason until a player’s starting time (only for the first day of competition for multi-day events).
- We ask that social (physical) distancing is always practiced by keeping a minimum of six (6) feet from others. Players found violating social distancing practices may be subject to a Code of Conduct violation.
- There are no restrictions on spectators attending competitions. Spectators are advised to maintain social distancing from players and other spectators.
- Please ensure all your contact information in the RDGA Tournament System is updated to receive text messages and e-mails about important event updates and weather delays – this includes current mobile phone numbers, which allow us to text you with important updates. If you have previously unsubscribed from text message notifications, we ask you to re-subscribe once again so you do not miss any essential information. Please contact Dave Eaton at with any contact information updates.
- Buffet lunches and post-event food service has been eliminated until further notice. Food & Beverage offerings will vary from club to club and we will update Player Information pages on the event portal with all pertinent information. In most cases there will be a take-out lunch only.
- Use of personal phone during the tournament is allowed for taking pictures of tournament documents and reference, as well as scoring and scoreboard checking. Digital scoring will be used for all qualifying rounds and championships and no paper scorecards will be collected by the RDGA. Players are encouraged to download the Golf Genius application (available on iOS and Android) for Live Scoring. Instructions on how to download and use the app are on last page.
- We request that players NOT ARRIVE MORE THAN 60 MINUTES prior to your starting time so that potential large gatherings of players at practice facilities can be avoided. If you do, please stay at your vehicle.
- Practice range stations will be spaced accordingly to promote social distancing. Practice balls will be set out without bags or baskets and hole flags will be removed from practice putting greens. Please note that it may be necessary for us to limit the amount of time, or number of persons allowed, to practice at a specific location (e.g., range, putting green, short game) in order to provide an opportunity for all players to have time to warm-up.
- We ask that you proceed to the starting tent area near 1st tee 5 minutes before your official tee time.
- A competition signage board will be available near the starting tee so players may take a picture of all relevant documents including Modified Policies and Procedures, Notice to Players, Hole Location sheet, RDGA Rules of Play, etc.. Additionally, all of these documents will be available for download on the respective competition’s event portal on the RDGA website 24 hours preceding each single day competition round, and by no later than 8:00 pm between rounds in multi-day events.
- Players are asked to refrain from the traditional handshake or hug prior to the round.
- Please be aware of all signage on and around the golf course that communicates important safety and competition instructions.
- We will utilize single tee starts ONLY and will increase starting time intervals to 10 minutes between groups. In some cases, this modification has caused a reduction to our normal field sizes.
- Use of motorized carts will be restricted to one rider/driver per cart.
- Caddies are not permitted.
- We will make every effort to have designated evacuation locations where players can socially distance. Information will be sent via text message in addition to verbal announcements prior to the suspension of play.During emergencies and course evacuations, players may abandon social distancing in an effort to safely seek shelter. Please review the Evacuation Plan prepared for each competition which will be provided to players.
- Tees, pencils, permanent markers, sunscreen, bug spray, etc. will NOT be provided at the starting tee and players should come prepared.
- Hole Locations, Notice to Players, Evacuation Plan and Blank Scorecard will be posted online to the event portal on the RDGA website. A link to access these documents will be texted and e-mailed to the field.
- Players are required to leave the flagstick in the hole at all times to eliminate this touchpoint. If any part of the ball is below the surface of the green the ball is considered in the hole.
- There will be foam placed in the bottom of the hole to help safe retrieval of the ball .
- All bunker rakes will be removed from the golf course. In the bunkers the player may take relief from a disturbed area using lift, clean and place, but must stay inside the bunker.
- Bottled water may be available at limited locations on the golf course. Snacks and fruit will not be provided. Players are encouraged to bring your own water and snacks.
- RDGA staff and volunteers will wear face masks when engaging with each other or players and unable to maintain social distancing.
- Players are asked to refrain from the traditional handshake or hug following the round.
- When your round is complete, please proceed immediately to the scoring area, keep strict social distancing when in the scoring area and follow the instructions of the scoring official as the scoring process will have modified procedures in effect. One group at a time group coming off the last hole should enter scoring area, maintain social distancing, read scores to RDGA staff and verbally attest. Once this is done and the player leaves the scoring area, the scorecard is deemed returned.
- Upon completion of the scoring process, players are encouraged to depart the golf course property (exceptions include potential playoff participants or event winners).
- Practice facilities will NOT be available to players after your round.
- Paper gift certificates will not be distributed. The golf shop will receive a prize distribution list and players will be notified of their winnings. Gift certificate amounts will be displayed with the final results on the Golf Genius event portal and mobile app.
- A simplified version of a trophy presentation will take place with pictures and video of the winner only. Players should not congregate at this time. Added sanitization measures will take place to ensure the trophy is clean and safe for touching by the winner.
- If within the last fourteen (14) days, you have been diagnosed with COVID-19, been in close contact with anyone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19, have had a fever or other symptoms of COVID-19, you must stay home and notify the RDGA to withdraw from an event.
- Please familiarize yourself and follow publicly available best practices as published by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO) and state / local governments.
- PLEASE BE PATIENT. Allow more time for things such as waiting your turn for use of practice facilities, starting and scoring procedures, awards distribution, etc.
- Please respect all direction and instruction provided by RDGA staff, volunteers and/or the host club regarding safety measures in place. Everyone must abide by the policies and procedures put in place by RDGA and the host club. Failure to abide by such policies and procedures may result in disqualification due to a Code of Conduct violation and result in suspension from future competitions.
Competitors will be given cell phone numbers for on-site RDGA officials if they need to reach out for assistance or rulings.
- Players are asked to refrain from the traditional handshake or hug following the round.
- When your round is complete, please proceed immediately to the scoring area, keep strict social distancing when in the scoring area and follow the instructions of the scoring official as the scoring process will have modified procedures in effect. One group at a time group coming off the last hole should enter scoring area, maintain social distancing, read scores to RDGA staff and verbally attest. Once this is done and the player leaves the scoring area, the scorecard is deemed returned.
- Upon completion of the scoring process, players are encouraged to depart the golf course property (exceptions include potential playoff participants or event winners).
- Practice facilities will NOT be available to players after your round.
- Paper gift certificates will not be distributed. The golf shop will receive a prize distribution list and players will be notified of their winnings. Gift certificate amounts will be displayed with the final results on the Golf Genius event portal and mobile app.
- A simplified version of a trophy presentation will take place with pictures and video of the winner only. Players should not congregate at this time. Added sanitization measures will take place to ensure the trophy is clean and safe for touching by the winner.
- If within the last fourteen (14) days, you have been diagnosed with COVID-19, been in close contact with anyone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19, have had a fever or other symptoms of COVID-19, you must stay home and notify the RDGA to withdraw from an event.
- Please familiarize yourself and follow publicly available best practices as published by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO) and state / local governments.
- PLEASE BE PATIENT. Allow more time for things such as waiting your turn for use of practice facilities, starting and scoring procedures, awards distribution, etc.
- Please respect all direction and instruction provided by RDGA staff, volunteers and/or the host club regarding safety measures in place. Everyone must abide by the policies and procedures put in place by RDGA and the host club. Failure to abide by such policies and procedures may result in disqualification due to a Code of Conduct violation and result in suspension from future competitions.
Players should call or e-mail Tournament Director Tim Vangellow
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