Dec 13

A Year-End Message and Holiday Greeting From 2018 RDGA President Mark Battle

Mark Battle PORTRAIT REDUCED1Fellow Rochester golfers,
As I reminisce about the 2018 golfing season in Rochester and write this Year in Review newsletter from the President, I am reminded of a quote from our Superintendent at Ravenwood who proclaimed, “I find it incredible how slow the days go by sometimes, but how fast the year goes!” 2018 was certainly no exception. It seems like only yesterday we were at Monroe Golf Club in mid-July for our RDGA District Championship John H. Ryan Jr. Memorial, and witnessing Chris Blyth secure his first District title. Now, since we’ve put our clubs away for yet another winter season, the gray skies and cold, gloomy days just appear to blend into each other and it seems like the days drag on forever. Yet here we are with just a few weeks left in yet another great and transformational year for the Rochester District Golf Association wondering, “where did the year go?
At the beginning of 2018, we were notified that the RDGA survived a very thorough examination by the United States Golf Association and were selected to be an Allied Golf Association of the USGA. This was not a simple process. Prior to our selection, there were 129 State and Regional Golf Associations sprinkled throughout the United States. After this grueling 2 year process and examination of these Golf Associations, the Rochester District Golf Association was named as one of only 59 Associations to earn the title of an Allied Golf Association of the USGA. All of us who love the game of golf in Rochester should feel proud of that distinct honor. It is well-deserved and a tribute to all the men and women who wear the RDGA Blazers today as well as those who have done so since our inception in 1929. We want to take this opportunity to thank our RDGA Staff, our players and the many volunteers who so willingly give of their time to support our events. We want to especially thank our RDGA member clubs and their respective memberships who graciously extend the use of their facilities so that we can carry out our annual tournament schedule. Collectively, we can take pride in knowing that all of you contributed in making this honor possible and the year that was 2018, a success.
This year also marked the continuation of our women’s initiatives in golf and participation in RDGA events for women continues to grow. In addition to our RDGA Women’s team event and the RDGA Women’s Championship Danielle E. Downey Memorial and Open, women comprise 27% of the registrations for events open to both women and men. We continue to emphasize that most of the events on the RDGA schedule are open to men, women and juniors of all ages and ability. If you have not yet participated in one of our tournament or casual golf offerings, I strongly suggest you give it a try. I have no doubt you will truly enjoy your RDGA experience.
2018 RDGA District Champion Chris Blyth With Battle Ryan  SorceWhile very pleased to be selected to be an AGA, with this designation comes much higher expectations and a broader workload as AGA’s across the United States are now required to bring a higher level of products and services to its member clubs and their golfers who belong to them. I can assure you, the RDGA will take on a leading role in that endeavor and our long range strategic vision will provide the beacon that guides our efforts to be the model for all other AGA’s to follow. We are no longer a volunteer organization that simply runs tournaments. Over the last 8-10 years we have truly transformed the RDGA into an organizational structure vastly different from the past. We own our own building, we have invested in technology to help facilitate what we do and improve on productivity, we lease a vehicle and own a trailer to transport tournament equipment and supplies, and finally, we now have a 3 person paid staff in Tim Vangellow, our Executive Director, Dave Eaton, our Marketing and Communications specialist and most recently, Jenny Ford joined the RDGA team in August 2018 as our GHIN and Course Rating Director and Junior Golf Coordinator. Each of them bring a vast array of knowledge that complements our strategic vision for the organization as we move into 2019 and beyond.
In closing, I want to thank all of you who comprise the Golf Ecosystem in Rochester and for your steadfast support of our Mission. Rochester and its surrounding towns and villages truly are a unique golfing community! I want to congratulate yet again, all of our 2018 Champions. On behalf of the Rochester District Golf Association, we wish all of you the Happiest of Holiday Seasons and our best wishes for a Happy and birdie filled New Year!
Now if the days could just move a little faster! Just think, only 100 more days until the arrival of Spring.
Warm regards,
Mark L. Battle
RDGA President