Q: Can golfers still play on a course if they walk?
A: The very first line on the Executive Order released on April 9 is very clear: Golf Courses are to close until further notice. Many clubs are posting information on their clubhouse or Pro Shop door and anywhere else golfers may try to access the course so that it is clearly marked. Many golf courses are also pulling the flags and removing cups from the greens as yet another indicator that the course is closed.
Q: Is maintenance still allowed on golf courses?
A: Please read the Executive Order in the link below very carefully to determine if golf course maintenance falls under category No. 5, “Essential Services Including” – and specifically the bullet on landscaping: “landscaping, but only for maintenance….and not cosmetic purposes.” There is some room for interpretation here so it will be up to the course to decide if they fall within the confines of meeting the “Essential Services” mandate. The RDGA has not received definitive clarification on the allowance of golf course maintenance under the Executive Order guidance, so all we can do is pass along the information as currently provided. We will continue to provide updates as we receive new information in this area.
Q: Why are other golf courses still open – can we stay open?
A: We can not speak for the decisions and procedures those courses are following. What we can speak to is the clarity of the very first line on the Executive Order released on April 9: Golf Courses are to close until further notice. Many clubs are posting information on their clubhouse or Pro Shop door and anywhere else golfers may try to access the course so that it is clearly marked. Many golf courses are also pulling the flags and removing cups from the greens as yet another indicator that the course is closed.
Q: What if my business is NOT an “Essential Business” listed on ESD’s guidance, but my business believes it should be considered an Essential Business?
A: Requests can be made to ESD to be designated an Essential Business through the link found in ESD’s guidance at: https://esd.ny.gov/guidance-executive-order-2026.
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