
Aug 03
Jul 29
Jul 29
Jul 20

Please Support RDGA Corporate Partners

RDGA Partners With the generous support of these organizations, the RDGA can offer high-quality events and high-quality service to our members and member clubs. This helps the RDGA to enhance the golfing experience in the Greater Rochester area. Please support our partners! Interested in a partnership? Contact Executive Director Tim…
Jul 14
Jul 14

Classic Monroe Golf Club Set to Host the 2018 RDGA Championship on July 25-28

The 428-yard 18th hole at Monroe Golf Club finishes with a classic Donald Ross characteristic - an elevated green with a false front, protected by bunkers front and left. Through the years, Monroe's finishing hole has witnessed several exciting moments, from the Monroe Invitational Championship to the 2014 Wegmans LPGA…
Jul 02
Jul 02
Jun 30
Jun 30