Past RDGA Senior Champions

The RDGA Wilson Fitch Senior Championship

Winning his second RDGA Men’s Senior Championship title in 2024 was Stuart Harris of Oak Hill Country Club – seen here accepting the trophy from RDGA President David Uhazie.

The Rochester District Golf Association Senior Championship is one of the longest-running annual championships on the RDGA calendar. Entries are open to all amateur male golfers age 55 and over (as of the beginning of each year’s competition) and are members in good standing at an RDGA club. All contestants must have a RDGA/USGA® Handicap Index® supplied by the RDGA.

Tracing its origins back to 1938, the first “Senior Championship for Players 40 Years and Over” was hosted by Ridgemont Country Club. Three years later, the event was re-named the “Clint Patchen Memorial Senior Championship,” honoring the long-time Durand Eastman Golf Club delegate and RDGA Board Member who had passed away in 1941. During these years, the RDGA Senior Championship was conducted as an 18-hole, flighted, medal play competition in four age groups: Class A (70 and over), Class B (60-69), Class C (50-59) and Class D (40-49). The overall champion was determined as the player with the low score from among the four age flights.

By the mid-1970s, the format for the present day RDGA Senior Championship was streamlined as a medal-play competition that was run concurrently with a small field during the RDGA District Championship – determining only one annual winner of the RDGA Senior Championship title. Later, as the number of entries into the RDGA Senior Championship continued to grow, the competition evolved into a stand-alone, three-day, 54-hole, medal play format, with the age requirements changed to players ages 55 and over.

In 1997, a Super Senior Division was added to the RDGA Senior Championship for competitors over the age of 65. In 2008, the format was expanded to include three age-based flights; Senior, Super Senior and Super-Super Senior – and in 2011 the format was expanded again to include four age-based divisions (as it continues to this day): Senior (ages 55-59), Super Senior (ages 60-64), Masters (ages 65-69) and Legends (ages 70 and over). Beginning in 2015, the RDGA Senior Championship was changed once more – shortening the competition from a three-day, 54-hole format to a two-day, 36-hole format.

Starting in 2008, the overall RDGA Senior Champion was determined as the competitor with the lowest score from among the Senior and Super Senior Divisions (which both played from the same tees). Additionally, winners of the Senior and Super Senior divisions earned an exemption into the following year’s RDGA District Championship John H. Ryan Memorial.

Beginning in 2020, two additional changes were made to the RDGA Senior Championship. Now called the RDGA Wilson Fitch Senior Championship – honoring long-time RDGA Rules official and Board Member Wilson Fitch – the 36-hole, scratch stroke play competition still takes place over two days but with a slight format change. Now, the overall Championship is determined to be the low 36-hole scorer from among the Senior (ages 60-64), Super Senior (ages 55-59) and Masters (ages 65-69) divisions, which all play from the SAME TEES, while the Legends division plays from a shorter set of tees.

In 2024, Stu Harris of Oak Hill Country Club – playing in the Super Senior flight – won his second overall RDGA Senior Championship title at Penfield Country Club by posting the low 36-hole score between the Senior (55-59), Super Senior (60-64) divisions) and Masters divisions (ages 65-69). Harris outlasted Senior Flight winner and 3-time RDGA Senior Champion Jim Scorse by two shots to become the 2024 RDGA Wilson Fitch Senior Champion.

With the victory, Harris was able to answer the final round battle that he lost with Scorse a year earlier, in the 2023 Senior Championship at Canandaigua – although there, the two competitors were not paired together in the final round. Harris also becomes the fourth player to win multiple RDGA Senior Championship titles since the format last expanded in 2011.

Winning the Senior flight titles at the 2024 RDGA Senior Championship – in addition to the Senior flight, won by Scorse, and the Super Senior flight, won by Harris – were Kevin Webb (Masters) and Matt Haefele (Legends).

In 2025, the RDGA is excited to bring the Wilson Fitch Senior Championship to Monroe Golf Club for the first time since 1976.

CLICK HERE to view the complete results from the
2024 RDGA Wilson Fitch Senior Championship


The information provided below is based on the best available records stored in the RDGA archives. Unfortunately, some information from the earlier years of this Championship are incomplete or are non-existant. If you have any records (trophies, plaques, photos, newspaper clippings, etc.) that indicate any missing information below, please call us at 585-292-5950, or email RDGA Communications Director Dave Eaton at:

Year Overall Champion Senior Division (55-59) Super Senior Division (60-64) Masters Division (65-69) Legends Division (70+) Tournament Site
2024 Stuart Harris Jim Scorse Stuart Harris Kevin Webb Matt Haefele Penfield CC
2023 Jim Scorse Jim Scorse Stuart Harris Jim Johnson Steve Wade Canandaigua CC
2022 Jim Scorse Jim Scorse Wade Sarkis Mark Battle Robert Zeman Links at Greystone
2021 Ken Ogden Ken Ogden Jim Johnson John August Robert Zeman Cobblestone Creek CC
2020 Jim Scorse Jim Scorse Jim Johnson Robert Zeman Matt Haefele Stafford CC
2019 Kevin Webb Stuart Harris Kevin Webb Larry Arliss Cosmo Contrino Wayne Hills CC
2018 Steve Puccia George Kavanagh Steve Puccia Matt Haefele Jack Mahan Irondequoit CC
2017 Stuart Harris Stuart Harris James Burns Matt Haefele William Robischon CC of Rochester
2016 George Kavanagh George Kavanagh John August Bill Shearer Gary DiFlorio Mendon GC
2015 Bob Chalanick Bob Chalanick Paul Parrone Mark Walsh James Cook Webster GC
2014 Robert Zeman Robert Brongo Robert Zeman Jack Mahan Gary DiFlorio Livingston CC
2013 Robert Zeman Brian Ward Robert Zeman Ken Andrychuk William Robischon Sodus Bay Heights
2012 Bob Chalanick Bob Chalanick Bob Weston Dale Dirk William Robischon Mendon GC
2011 Robert Zeman Andrew Conway Robert Zeman Stephen Hinman Gary DiFlorio Stafford CC
Year Overall Champion Senior Division Super Senior Division Super/Super Sr. Division Tournament Site
2010 Mark Battle Mark Battle Donivan Neal James Cook Clifton Springs CC
2009 James Burns Weston/Burns/Zeman Stephen Hinman Renny Bowers Blue Heron Hills GC
2008 Bob Weston Bob Weston Stephen Hinman Renny Bowers Blue Heron Hills GC
Year Senior Champion Super Senior Champion Tournament Site
2007 James Dill Donivan Neal Mill Creek GC
2006 Ken Andrychuk Jerry Stahl Clifton Springs CC
2005 Dave Benedict Ron Mack Brook-Lea CC
2004 Alan Dirk Norb Haefner Penfield CC
2003 Ken Andrychuk Don Allen Caledonia CC
2002 Ken Andrychuk Ron Mack Deerfield CC
2001 Stephen Hinman Ron Mack Ridgemont CC
2000 Glenn French Jack Wheeler Ontario GC
1999 Don Allen Jack Wheeler Midvale CC
1998 Jack Wheeler Bob Griswold Clifton Springs CC
1997 Jim Infantino Bud McLaughlin Green Hills GC
1996 Chip Lillich Deerfield CC
1995 Jim Infantino Irondequoit CC
1994 Don Allen Brook-Lea CC
1993 Ron Mack Lake Shore CC
1992 Ron Mack Locust Hill CC
1991 Bud McLaughlin Blue Heron Hills CC
1990 Bud McLaughlin CenterPointe CC
1989 Gerry Perkins CC of Rochester
1988 Robert Hoff Victor Hills CC
1987 Robert Hoff Stafford CC
1986 Robert Hoff Lake Shore CC
1985 Robert Hoff Green Hills GC
1984 Jack Hoff CC of Rochester
1983 Robert Hoff Lake Shore CC
1982 Jerry Leibel CC of Rochester
1981 Jerry Leibel Brook-Lea CC
1980 Robert Hoff Ontario GC
1979 Stafford CC
1978 Oak Hill CC
1977 Robert Hoff Irondequoit CC
1976 Robert Hoff Monroe GC
1975 Robert Hoff Ridgemont CC
1974 Irondequoit CC
Year Senior Champion Class D (40-49) Class C (50-59) Class B (60-69) Class A (70+) Tournament Site
1968 J. Thornton/Dan Hurley Mike Frontuto Sr. Harold Christ Noble Miller Locust Hill CC
1967 Jack Thornton Jack Thornton Al Kaufman Harold Christ Noble Miller Oak Hill CC
1966 Ray Moran Ray Moran Fred Grover Jack Johnston Noble Miller Ridgemont CC
1965 Moran/Kling/Frontuto Ray Moran Bert Kling/Mike Frontuto Sr. Jack Johnston Noble Miller Locust Hill CC
1964 Mike Frontuto Sr. Ray Moran Mike Frontuto Sr. Jack Johnston John Stroup Brook-Lea CC
1963 Ed Olson Sid Levinson/Lyle Klier Ed Olson Jack Johnston John Stroup CC of Rochester
1962 Dr. Fred Martin Dr. Fred Martin Robert Pequinot Jack Johnston Ed Longbine Midvale CC
1961 Irondequoit CC
1960 Mike Frontuto Sr. Enos Benedict Noble Miller Charlie Spencer Monroe GC
1959 Bert Kling Bert Kling/Ed Olson Harold Christ Noble Miller Alex Elliott Oak Hill CC
1958 R. Gleason N. Oakes C. Vogt Alex Elliott Ridgemont CC
1957 Locust Hill CC
1956 Brook-Lea CC
1955 Bert Kling Bert Kling Ed Randall Noble Miller L.B. Swift CC of Rochester
1954 Dr. G. Trainor/M. Ruby Noble Miller H. Webber Irondequoit CC
1953 Dr. George Trainor Dr. George Trainor Ed Randall Jim Weldon W. MacFarlane Monroe GC
1952 Dr. George Trainor Noble Miller/Ed Randall Jim Weldon W. MacFarlane Oak Hill CC
1951 Noble Miller J. O’Donoghue Noble Miller Jim Weldon Joe Caldwell Ridgemont CC
1950 O. Luckhurst/J. Tucker Noble Miller Andy Anderson Roy Brown Locust Hill CC
1949 Earnie Maurer Noble Miller Jim Weldon Roy Brown Monroe GC
1948 Brook-Lea CC
1946 CC of Rochester
1945 CC of Rochester
1944 Jack Johnston Irondequoit CC
1942 Ed Randall Oak Hill CC
1941 Noble Miller Noble Miller A. Sillitoe W. MacFarlane Brook-Lea CC
1940 Lakeshore CC
1939 Mike Hall Mike Hall Dr. W.A. Gray Locust Hill CC
1938 Ridgemont CC